Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dark Energy Keeps the Universe in Check

Apparently recent research by scientist Alexey Vikhlinin using NASA's X-Ray Satellite Observatory has led him to propose that mysterious dark energy prevents galaxies from growing forever. This dark energy keeps the giant clusters of matter under a strict diet and prevents the galaxy from getting to big. While it is unclear what creates this dark energy it does seem to lead to a dualist view of the universe. There always must be a balance.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

When was the last time you saw one of these?

With all the financial troubles on Wall Street today it was pretty ironic to come across a silver certificate at random. Really makes you question what is the root of our economic problems. You can't put the blame in one place or on one thing. Is it the failure of the system, probably not, yet it is a warning sign that something isn't working properly and things need to be changed. Things must change and corporate bailouts is not the problem, the problem is that our money really doesn't mean anything anymore. When Congress just "comes up" with the number 700 billion dollars and is going to create this out of thin air to pay for people's poor investments, it just makes you wonder. Who is working for who, where is that money coming from? It is sometimes difficult to realize what seemed like simple changes over the years has perpetuated a system that solidifies those with power and ensures their well being. Maybe it is time not to help the special but help the average, the numbers just don't make sense any more.

If I had to point fingers, I think the photos speak for themselves, just look at the top. Federal Reserve Note. Where is the money coming from now? The Federal Reserve. Who is warning of all the trouble the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke. He knows more than he leads on, and if he doesn't he should. Our government should control the power to print money and should take it back from the businesses who have gotten us into the mess in the first place.

One thing that really stood out to me was the seal and the words on it, the texture was very interesting as well, I actually thought it was fake at first.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Scientists are Breeding Genetically Modified Pigs for Organs

British and American scientists are breeding genetically modified pigs in the hope of providing organs for transplant to humans, the project leader wrote in a newspaper Sunday.

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XR-3: World's 1st Build-it-yourself Hybrid Car

Robert Riley’s XR3 is an incredible machine that is able to achieve over 125mpg on biodiesel and a whoping 225mpg in hybrid mode. With its sleek composite shell and ultra-efficient engine we were expecting to see a stratospheric price tag, however we were stunned to hear that the you can build it yourself for around $25,000!

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Top pollsters caught fudging with Presidential Race numbers

CBS, Gallup, and USAToday were caught tinkering with the outcomes of their early September polls. They've been over sampling the number of Republican respondents at the expense of Democrats and Independents. The media is trying to make a "horse race" out of this election by rigging poll results to support the "fairy tale" narratives they create.

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Reduced Dominance Is Predicted for U.S.

An intelligence forecast being prepared for the next president on future global risks envisions a steady decline in U.S. dominance in the coming decades, as the world is reshaped by globalization, battered by climate change, and destabilized by regional upheavals over shortages of food, water and energy.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hunger, Its Not New

Guns or Butter, That is the question?

check out this video

There are only so many resources in the world and as those are diminished two outcomes are likely to occur. One is that those resources will become even more valued and the drive to gain control of resources would come to conflict in various proportions. And the other more hopeful and inevitable would be the use of technology to replace or introduce new resources, and then the cycle begins again as the playing field shifts.

As for the social outcomes in an individual society that is inevitable. As certain members of a society lose their social signifigence the power they exert and influence they have becomes diminished. It is no matter then that they will be living below the median and while some states/countries have more apathy for the eldery and the less priviliged some take no care and offer no state benefits and force those in need of help to look to their immediate family, who are likely to be in a similar situation and unable to really do that much good.

So what does it take to move into a situation in which a society draws in its outliers in order to make each individual feel more like the next? A Revolution, that is what most would assume. How about just a change in the way we think about things, a new philosophy, a new way of life, a new religion? If every individual was able to feel for another rather then focus on their self, and actually sacrifice their self for another in the faith that another would do the same, then possibly all needs can be met. If people lost their selfish desires men would be able to dissolve his self and focus on the whole and realize the importance of all that is around you, and you effect it through your involvement with you.