Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hunger, Its Not New

Guns or Butter, That is the question?

check out this video

There are only so many resources in the world and as those are diminished two outcomes are likely to occur. One is that those resources will become even more valued and the drive to gain control of resources would come to conflict in various proportions. And the other more hopeful and inevitable would be the use of technology to replace or introduce new resources, and then the cycle begins again as the playing field shifts.

As for the social outcomes in an individual society that is inevitable. As certain members of a society lose their social signifigence the power they exert and influence they have becomes diminished. It is no matter then that they will be living below the median and while some states/countries have more apathy for the eldery and the less priviliged some take no care and offer no state benefits and force those in need of help to look to their immediate family, who are likely to be in a similar situation and unable to really do that much good.

So what does it take to move into a situation in which a society draws in its outliers in order to make each individual feel more like the next? A Revolution, that is what most would assume. How about just a change in the way we think about things, a new philosophy, a new way of life, a new religion? If every individual was able to feel for another rather then focus on their self, and actually sacrifice their self for another in the faith that another would do the same, then possibly all needs can be met. If people lost their selfish desires men would be able to dissolve his self and focus on the whole and realize the importance of all that is around you, and you effect it through your involvement with you.

We Need More Great Ideas Like This



My girlfriend came home and told me about this shoe company that would give a pair of shoes to a child in need if i bought a pair of shoes. At first i was a little taken back, but then after checking out the research we both figured, what the hell, let's see what this is all about. While at first i was taken aback by the prices for what seemed to be very simple shoes relatively cheaply made, I was surprised to find how comfortable and enjoyable these shoes were to wear.

While I didn't realize they were going to become something of a fad i decided to get a pair, yes they kind of look like chick shoes, I just refer to them as my slippers, well thats what they feel like at least. I am always reminded whenever i put on the shoes that my pair helped some kid get a new pair of shoes, i feel somewhat justified in forking over the 40.00 dollars or so to own a new pair of shoes, its like buying two pairs.

Looking back you come to realize that something like this is a good idea and still provides some profit. The public relations side of it is great and its a great niche market because people generally want to feel as though they are making the world a better place. However there is a practical side to it too. If you think about it most people buying these shoes at regular price are ordering larger sizes and therefore using more material. If you offer to make small sizes and give those away for free you are not giving away another 40.00.

It seems that an idea like this could work for many other companies, the first thing to came to mind was t-shirts, but the shoe thing is so wonderful because it is such a basic need. But what about other needs such as energy and food. Is there a way that you could sacrifice some of your own well being, your own success in order to see the whole succeed.

Self-sacrifice, are you willing to sacrifice your own easy life to allow some ease in another individual's difficult life. Are you willing to sacrifice making millions of dollars because your business practices might involve harming people, animals, the environment. A good idea is one that doesn't require personal gain but still brings gains because of how wonderful an idea it is.

Something simple, for the common good, universal, a new way to look at the world that allows for people to look out not only for people but the world around you. We are all one and all must act as one with everything that exists. We are rocks. We are air. We are fish. We are.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ties Between China, Sudan, and disagreement with the West

Luis Moreno-Ocampo is attempting to take on the Sudanese dictator. He is the ICC prosecutor charging Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir with genocide and attempting to secure his arrest. Unfortunately for him some members of the UN council are attempting to prevent this most notably China and Russia. 
Tensions are building and it seems as if after the Olympics either China will gain the confidence to challenge America and/or Americans will begin to fear the rising power of China even more than they do. While some business have been outsourcing for years it seems that we must curtail this and almost step into the realization that we are on the verge of another polarizing period for global politics. Even in a world with so much inter connectivity men still have their differences. Countries are still attempting to exert their independence and the powers that be are still attempting to hold them into a state of bondage. It is all a matter of economics, money is pushing this world go round.
That is the main reason China would ever go to such lengths risking their image in the international eye in order to secure money, i.e. oil in the Sudan region while supporting its tyrannical leader.
As much as we like to believe that there are men out there that are willing to take on the powers that be and stand up for what they believe to be truly right, in the international arena he holds no weight. As much as we like to believe in some international police force that helps cure the world, the best we have is the United States trying to protect its supposed empire. While I am not one for a single government sticking their nose into any and all business, especially with the United States track record with international incidents. As much fear as it may bring to think of a truly world court and world power, or some sort of new world order scheme, it is difficult to deny that these individual countries are tearing things apart and separate interests will always create conflict.
There is a need to begin to take to create a global community that supports the type of world that we would like to live in. By setting standards for the environment, human rights, workers rights, individual freedoms, legal systems, political rights, religious freedom... and many other undeniable rights all men will be able to hold all other men accountable in which power would ultimately succumb to truth.

link to interview with Luis Moreno-Ocampo